CBD Balm vs Hemp Cream – What’s the Difference?

hemp cream

CBD or hemp cream is becoming more popular as an effective method to relieve pain. CBD balms are similar to creams however they are usually made with a wax base which offers slower absorption than a traditional cream. These remedies are popular mainly in arthritic patients; however, the spectrum of individuals ranges from people who have minor sport injuries to people trying to reduce their morphine dosages. Therefore, CBD Pain Cream is used by a wide range of individuals to treat various pain symptoms. Even our lovely customers recommend hemp creams for certain types of pain: “Really effective for my mums’ arthritis. She finds she gets instant relief. No other pain relief works like CBD cream”.

Our most popular CBD products for relieving pain include the Deep Relief Cream and the CBD Muscle Balm. Both products can be bought in two different strengths, 500mg or 1000mg. The Deep Relief CBD pain cream targets mainly joint and muscular pain, however, CBD balm is particularly helpful in solely relieving muscular pain. The CBD balm delivers targeted relief to muscles with a powerful formula. In addition, it’s good for severe muscle pains and can help to promote a faster recovery using CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties usually with a heat impact.

One customer emphasised the effectiveness of the heat influence of the CBD muscle balm, “The muscle rub is incredibly effective at dealing with deep aches and pains; it’s really nice to apply, especially good if the skin is already warm from a hot water bottle. The product allows for a deep massage and helps muscles and joints to feel relaxed and without pain”.

Alternatively, the CBD or hemp cream delivers an instant cooling effect on the skin, easing sore muscles, back pain and joints. All of our CBD creams have a fresh menthol aroma and have a fast absorption which is effective for applying clothing over the affected area.

CBD or hemp cream is the most effective way to manage pain due to the topical creams making it easy to target those specific areas where an individual is experiencing pain. CBD pain creams can take effect relatively quickly, usually within 15 minutes; however, it depends on each individual and their circumstance also. If you are treating a painful area, then the physical motion of massaging the cream in may provide additional benefits. Some individuals will use a CBD Oil as well as a CBD cream for maximum pain relief.

Most people are sceptical about CBD and whether a placebo effect is the main factor of their pain relief. However, neurological studies have verified that CBD cream activate the CB1 receptors
in the brain which prevents pain. Even one customer clarified this statement,
“Brilliant works a treat. At first didn’t think it worked so stopped using it. That’s when I realised how
much it did work. What can I say but I need to buy again”. So, it really does work!