HempWell Team Hike For Mental Health

hempwell hike - 28th may 2024 - 3 peaks challenge

Thanks for taking a look at our Hike for Mental Health page. It may come as a shock but approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. Many of these people do cross our door (literally) looking at natural supplements like CBD to help with the more common mental health issues such as anxiety or stress. For many poeple, they also need additional support and charities such as MIND do a lot to help people that suffer with this condition.

Hempwell a respected provider of premium CBD products, has set the goal to complete the Three Peaks challenge on the 28th May in support of Mind Charity. Mind’s ethos is: “We change minds across England and Wales by making mental health an everyday priority.undefined 

According to the official website: “The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is 24-miles (38.6km) round trip route, and includes 1585m (5200ft) of ascent.” 

Owner and founder of Hempwell Philip James said: “We are extremely excited about fundraising for Mind. Our goal is to reach £500 which we think is achievable and we are really looking forward to completing the challenge! Ideally we want to aim to raise as much awareness as possible for the cause and the amazing work that Mind charity does. In terms of preparing for the event, I am trying to complete 2000 steps a day to build up to the three peaks goal, I know everyone here at Hempwell is practicing in their own ways fingers crossed we make it !” 

Mind charity has helped to support multiple people throughout their mental health journeys and offers varied forms of aid for differing mental health issues. Including a legal line for information on mental health law, and an Infoline which offers confidential help. With over 100 local Minds across England and Wales, support is readily available for those that need it.  Mind states: “We believe everyone with a mental health problem should have access to excellent care and services. We believe you should be treated fairly, positively and with respect.” Also campaigning on a variety of different issues such as “health services, legislation, legal rights and employment” See the different campaigns here: campaigns. Your voice matters and any help to assist organisations like Mind makes a huge difference. There are also a variety of different ways to help Mind independently such as volunteering as well as donating and as Hempwell is doing…. fundraising!

Ruby Mcgonigle an emloyee at Hempwell Brighton offered her thoughts on the challenge: “I think it’s great to raise as much awareness as possible around mental health issues especially in this day and age. I think mental health issues are being widely a lot more recognised now and that is positive. The nature of our job involves talking directly to customers about different mental health problems and hearing customer stories first-hand and being able to help, really does make working within the wellness industry really worthwhile.”

Hempwell also supply various topicals and creams specifically designed to target muscle and joint pain, issues that many hikers and athletes suffer from after rigorous exercise. Popular products include the Deep Relief and Muscle balm which range from 500 to 1000mg both very effective in aiding joints and muscle soreness.

Hempwell have also started a Go Fund Me page, pioneered by retail manager Jenna Cuhina -Brant looking to unite the team and expand awareness around the event.

Hempwell Go Fund Me can be reached here.

Click for our gofundme page

Thanks in advance for any donations made, it really is going to a great charity and more importantly thanks for coming to this page and supporting us on our hiking efforts! 

Lisa, Phil and the team.