Today we have another guest blog post for you. Another one of our regular HempWell customers, Anne Marie kindly agreed to write a few words about her experience using HempWell Deep Relief CBD Cream to help her father with chronic pain conditions resulting from osteoarthritis. This is what she wrote in her own words:
I bought this cream for my Dad, aged 80 and 3/4s, as part of a long and up until then fruitless mission to try and find some way to alleviate the pain he was experiencing from the osteoarthritis in his neck. Having been a farmer all his life, he was accustomed to lifting iron gates and fences by putting his head and shoulders under the top bar, and would think nothing of carrying heavy bales of hay balanced across his shoulders… and sadly the source of his greatest strength has become his Achilles heel. Conventional medical treatment has found no way to alleviate the constant pain he experiences in his neck, rating on average an eight or a nine out of ten most days.
As anyone who ever tried to fall asleep on an aeroplane without a neck cushion will know, a human head is very heavy – around 10-11lb, and supported by just 7 vertebrae in the neck. Normally, we are oblivious to this weight, but as Daddy’s neck is afflicted with osteoarthritis (a degeneration of the joints, vertebrae and discs that can lead to pain and inflammation) just simply standing tall or sitting unaided causes great pain. Conventional medicines, like anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen, no longer bring pain relief but their prolonged use does raise concerns about the development of stomach ulcers, etc. He has also had two steroid injections in his neck, which sadly failed to alleviate the pain. He religiously follows the recommendations of his physiotherapist, and would say that his daily exercises help the pain from getting worse.
My lovely, uncomplaining, child-of-the-1940s father almost thinks that pain and having achieved a good age go hand in hand and I was desperate to give him back some quality of life. I have purchased many permutations of pain relief – gels, cushions, neck massage pads and TENS machines – but nothing has had the same effect as the Hempwell Deep Relief Pain Cream.
I was anxious that, because of his reduced shoulder dexterity, that he might not be able to massage it in his neck himself, but he uses it religiously on his own if there is no-one around to help. When I asked him if it was effective and if I should re-order it, he said, ‘Pet, it’s the only thing that gives me any relief from the pain’.
And for that reason, I am so happy to recommend this product and hope that other people enjoy the same pain relief as Dad.
Anne Marie
We’ve redacted Anne Marie’s surname for privacy but we are so grateful to her for writing this incredible post for us today. Thank you Anne Marie, we are so happy that the CBD Deep Relief Pain Cream is working so well for your dad. If you’d like to try our award-winning CBD Deep Relief Cream, we have it available in 500mg Medium Strength and 1000mg Max Strength.