CBD for Pain Relief - Can CBD Oil Help Pain Management?

cbd for pain and inflammation
cbd for pain and inflammation

Does CBD help with pain?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a type of cannabinoid, one of many compounds found naturally in cannabis plants. Some people with chronic pain rely on products containing CBD for pain relief, such as CBD Oil or topical CBD Pain Relief creams, to help manage their symptoms. CBD oil may reduce inflammation or overall discomfort and act as pain relief related to a variety of health conditions. Many of our customers have used CBD for joint pain, arthritis pain, and muscle pain among others. Unfortunately, due to the restrictions on cannabis testing, more research is needed to verify the pain-relieving benefits of CBD oil. Nevertheless, the research on CBD products and pain management has been promising. Crucially, research suggests that CBD could offer an alternative for people who have chronic pain relief needs and rely on medications (such as opioids) that can have habit-forming and dangerous side effects. To learn more why not check out our CBD Knowledge Centre.

To learn about how CBD helped a father to get his life back, please read our customer spotlight guest post; CBD and Pain: A Customer’s Own Words.

CBD and pain

Pain is something that is experienced by everyone at some point in their lives. Chronic pain can be uncomfortable to live with at best or debilitating at worst. Common treatments for pain include opioids, however people all over the world are looking for alternatives as opioids are habit-forming and have serious side effects. Opioid-related deaths are so bad, they’ve been named an epidemic by the US Center for Disease Control (CDC). In 2019 over 70% of drug related deaths in the USA involved an opioid. It is understandable that people are increasingly looking for pain management alternatives.

Some people believe CBD to be an effective pain reliever. The research on CBD products and pain management has been promising. Human studies on CBD and pain are lacking, due to restrictions on the use of and research on cannabis, and more research is needed in this area. Nonetheless, the studies we do have show some encouraging results. In the first human experimental pain study on CBD, the research showed that CBD has real pain-relieving properties in humans. Researchers initially thought CBD’s pain-relieving properties were purely placebo. However it was later revealed that CBD had real pharmacological effects resulting in pain relief. Lead researcher Martin De Vita reported: “we found improvements in pain measures caused by the pharmacological effects of CBD (…) it was pretty remarkable and surprising”

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Taking CBD for pain relief

There are several ways to take CBD for pain relief: Ingesting it via a Capsules or Tablets or by eating one of our delicious CBD Gummies. These are absorbed via the bloodstream after being digested, this can take up to two hours. CBD can also be absorbed sublingually (under the tongue) via a CBD Oil. Letting the product absorb under your tongue preserves more of the CBD, and you’ll feel results faster. Topically, this means designed to be applied directly to the skin. CBD creams are supposed to be absorbed into the skin, topicals are a great choice when it comes to treating localized pain. You can take CBD for joint pain and arthritis pain this way. If you are treating a painful area then the physical motion of massaging the cream in may provide additional benefits. If you are unsure of how much to take, it is worth reading our dosage guide here.

CBD and arthritis

It is well known that Cannabinoids are potent anti-inflammatory agents and therefore could provide real benefits to help relieve inflammation, swelling and pain commonly associated with arthritis.

Arthritis.org say: ‘Animal studies have suggested that CBD has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, but these effects have not been validated in quality studies in humans. Anecdotally, some people with arthritis who have tried CBD, but not all, report noticeable pain relief, sleep improvement and/or anxiety reduction.’

In 2016 a study on rats showed that both pain and inflammation of arthritis was significantly reduced by CBD and in 2018, this study on the treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs demonstrated that CBD resulted in a significant decrease in pain, and increase in activity in the dogs tested. There are over 30 clinical trials being undertaken in Europe at the moment for a range of conditions, we hope there will be results from research into CBD for arthritis in human patients soon. Check out our article on CBD and Arthritis here to learn more.

CBD and pain and athletes

It is no surprise to hear that exercise puts a lot of stress on our bodies, to both positive and negative effect. Training stress leads to adaptation and increased performance (such as being able to run further or lift heavier weight) but physical trauma and prolonged wear and tear can also lead to injuries and pain. Searching for alternative pain relief and effective sports recovery athletes are turning to CBD, but how can it help?

If you regularly exercise there has probably been a time that you needed to turn to pain relief, whether due to injury or for another reason. Both preclinical and clinical studies have indicated a potential benefit of CBD use in chronic pain, athletes could therefore benefit from pain-relieving effects of CBD if taken. Some over the counter pain relievers known as Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs – NSAIDs (ibuprofen being one example) can actually be dangerous to athletes, (particularly ultra-distance athletes) as there is increased risk of gastric trauma, especially if taken as a prophylactic. This can range from relatively benign dyspepsia, to potentially life-threatening events such as upper GI bleeding. Why not read more about the science in our CBD Knowledge Centre

It is unsurprising that athletes are looking for alternative treatments. We know that Cannabinoids are anti-inflammatory and therefore could provide real benefits to athletes to help relieve inflammation, swelling and pain, especially those recovering from injury. With both pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, CBD could therefore provide a safer alternative to NSAIDs for some athletes.

Why not check out our CBD and Fitness page to learn more?

Recommended CBD products for pain and inflammation

Hemp Well have a substantial range of CBD products which could be worth trying for those looking to manage pain. Using CBD in a cream presentation is a wonderfully soothing way to treat your symptoms. These can be gently massaged into the skin to work the CBD oil right into where it is needed. The pain relieving and anti-inflammatory action of CBD soon gets to work on your symptoms- additionally the massaging actions helps circulation to help promote healing.

Alternatively, CBD Oil Drops are one of the most popular ways to take your daily supplement of CBD oil. Available in a range of potency from 500mg up to 4000mg of CBD per bottle. These are supplied in a glass bottle with a pipette fitted into the lid to make measuring and taking the dose easy. Most people simply drop the oil under their tongue; however, these drops can be added to smoothies, post-workout protein shakes, or even pop them in your night time cocoa.

CBD for pain and inflammation FAQs

Can CBD make pain worse?

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that generally ease pain. CBD is not known to increase pain per se. There are some findings to suggest high frequency use of marijuana can lead to increased and prolonged pain, albeit not attributable to the CBD compound and not the case with hemp-derived CBD usage.

What CBD products are best for pain?

To tackle specific pain, such as a bad knee or arm, a topical cream would be a good choice. CBD is absorbed by the skin and delivered to the target area to help reduce inflammation. CBD oil can be a good choice to get CBD into your bloodstream which can then help your body to provide relief where needed. Customers may chose to use CBD Oils to address back pain for example, where applying a cream can be difficult and pain may not be localised or close to the skin surface.

Is CBD legal in the UK?

CBD is legal in the UK. UK regulations state that CBD oil is legal so long as it contains no THC. Our CBD is regularly checked by third party labs to make sure our products are safe and legal. These reports are always available to view on our website, and we’re proud to be one of the first companies to have their products listed on the FSA’s new approved CBD products list. When you buy CBD from HempWell, you can rest assured that you’re receiving high quality, ethical CBD products.

Is CBD safe to use?

CBD is completely safe.Our CBD isolate has a guaranteed purity of at least 99.9%. We extract our CBD from hemp we grow ourselves, so we know exactly what it’s made of! We regularly have our oils tested by third-party labs to make sure there’s quality in every bottle. You can check out our lab reports here to see results from these tests.

Can I take CBD for pain while on medication?

Consult your doctor if you’re thinking of taking CBD while on medication.

How long does CBD take to work?

CBD has short and long term effects. In the short term, depending on how you choose to take CBD, you will begin to feel effects from anywhere between 10 minutes and 2 hours; you can find more information on individual products here. However, CBD can also have a longer term effect on you and your body. As you continue to take CBD, some will stay in your body, and slowly build up to further help your endocannabinoid system. As a rule of thumb, we recommend that you use CBD consistently for at least 2 weeks to begin to see the full effects of our products.

Can I give CBD to my pet?

You can give CBD to pets, but be aware they need a much smaller dose than humans. CBD is becoming increasingly popular to help pets with pain relief, however be aware that much less research has been done into CBD in animals than in humans. If you are planning to give CBD to your pet, start with an extremely low dose (we would recommend a half dose of our 500mg CBD oil), and increase slowly up to a full dose if required. We do not recommend giving CBD to any animals smaller than cats. We recommend consulting with your vet before giving CBD to animals.